
All Shook Up North: Meet David Thibault, a Canadian lad who sounds just like Elvis Presley

Oh Quebec, you may have lost the Nordiques, but that’s okay, because you now have the next Elvis Presley!

In a video that we had to watch until the very end to make sure Jimmy Kimmel didn’t jump out from a closet and punk us like he did with the on-fire twerking girl, 16-year-old French Canadian David Thibault sings a pretty spot-on rendition of Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas.”

Is it real? We hope so. But would anyone in Quebec wear a Detroit Red Wings shirtsy? Color us suspicious.

But since the video, from a radio appearance at CKOI Quebec, has more than one million views, David Thibault is already more successful than Jocelyn Thibault.

So prepare to be bombarded with this clip for the next 13 days. After that, the kid will have to go in hiding with the real Elvis somewhere outside Scottsdale, Arizona.